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Privacy Policy Update

Effective Feb 7, 2025


This privacy policy takes you through the different policies of Dolanto Engineering Pvt. Ltd. After reading this web page, you will know how the company will use the information that you may submit through the official website.

User Consent

When you navigate the website, we understand that you agree to our Terms and Conditions. You also agree to the way in which the information is processed and how it is used as it is described on the web page.

Type of Information we may collect

While you go through the website, we gather personal information regarding what will personally identify you. This includes name, Email Id, address and other information that is not related to you. Moreover, we gather ‘anonymous information’ that is not associated with any personal information and doesn’t relate to the identification about yourself.

Use of Personal Information

Once we have gathered the information, we don’t sell, trade or share it with a third party for any marketing activities. In general, we use the data to offer you access to the official website and the services. The information, in the long run, helps us to improve the site and modify the features accordingly. However, we may probably disclose personal information to third parties so that they may communicate with you for some or the other reason. For instance, we will use the data for sending across emails, data analysis, or processing the payment made from the visitor’s end. We also expect the third-parties not to use the day but only when they need to offer relevant services. In future, we may also share the relevant information to those who are thinking about purchasing our products. Just in case you don’t want us to share the information, then you may not consider clicking on any advertisements or making a purchase.We also have the right to create information records from the information you may provide. This includes feedback or comments that you offer us which we may or may not think is suitable to include in any manner. Way ahead, we may share essential information to affiliate companies that really follow and honor the terms stated under the Privacy Policy.If we are thinking about a merger or an acquisition with an objective to sell some of our assets, then the personal information may be sent to that company. When such a case arises, we consider that you acknowledge such a kind of transfer.

Use of Unidentifiable Information

This privacy policy doesn’t set any constraints on disclosing any anonymous information in any manner. Besides, it is under our discretion that we will be disclosing the anonymous information to our advertisers, partners as well as third parties

How do you others view our information?

When you browse through our site, certain kinds of data may be publicly available and may be fetched, including those who are not under control.

Revisions of the Privacy Policy

Our team may change the terms of the privacy policy at their discretion. In case we make the changes in the long run, then we shall notify you with the changes through an email. Under any disagreement using the site, we would request to stop going through the website. But, we will consider that you have accepted the changes in the policy on when there is continuous posting of the changes.